Learn more about the history of the Office of Civil Rights by scrolling through our archives. You can view past events and news stories.
Annual Civil Rights Breakfast
We're so grateful to everyone that helped to make our event a success.
Special thanks to:
Our sponsors

Annual Report
Please see below the Civilian Review Board's Annual Statistical Report.
Response to the COTF Report
Please see below the Civilian Review Board's Response to the COTF Report on civilian oversight in Baltimore.
CRB Response to the COTF Report.pdf
CRB Anonymous Tip Line
The Civilian Review Board now has an anonymous tip line where civilians witnesses or victims can anonymously report incidents of police misconduct.
CRB Anonymous Tip Line: 410-545-3233
To find out about how to file an official CRB complaint, please call 410-396-3151.
Independent Monitor Updates
The Independent Monitor Team is currently accepting public comments on BPD's draft policies.
For more information including key dates, and to submit public comment, please visit the Monitor's website:
The Independent Monitor Team has posted their office hours:
Mondays, 11:00 – 7:00, at Baltimore Community Mediation Center, 3333 Greenmount Ave.
Tuesdays, 9:00 – 12:30, at the Monitoring Team’s office at 7 E. Redwood Street, 6th Floor.
Fridays, 11:00 – 7:00, at at Baltimore Community Mediation Center, 3333 Greenmount Ave.
Team members or representatives will be available according to this schedule. Federal, state, and local holidays may impact the schedule from time to time. Please contact the Monitoring Team in advance, by phone or via email, if you would like to confirm whether the office is open on a particular day.
Preliminary Report for the Community Oversight Task Force
The staff of the Civilian Review Board has produced a preliminary report for the COTF detailing a number of legislative recommendations, as well as and addendum listing short term policy recommendations. A more detailed report will follow in the coming months. Please find the report below.
COTF Preliminary Report and Addendum.pdf
Community Town Hall in Harlem Park
Due to recent concerns and inquiries that we have received from the community regarding recent police activity in Harlem Park, we will be holding a Town Hall meeting to introduce the community to the new Civilian Review Board and explain the CRB process.
Thursday, November 30th
Metropolitan United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
1121 W Lanvale St
Baltimore, MD 21217
2017 Office of Civil Rights Scholarships
We are proud to announce that we will be awarding two scholarships to a 5th grader and a high school student from Baltimore City Public Schools (including Charter Schools) who exemplify community involvement, leadership, and passion for civil rights. Please apply by filling out the application and emailing it by Monday, September 11th at 5pm. Please see application for details.
On April 7, 2017 the Baltimore City Consent Decree was signed by Judge James K. Bredar.
On January 12, 2017 the City of Baltimore and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) agreed on a court enforceable consent decree to make major reforms to the Baltimore Police Department based on the findings from the Department of Justice Report released on August 10, 2016. The Baltimore City Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement is grateful to Mayor Pugh and the DOJ for all of their hard work that led to the timely completion of this decree. Our Civilian Review Board is the only independent police oversight and accountability agency. As such, we understand that civilian oversight and police accountability are crucial in creating a safer Baltimore. We stand ready and eager to comply with this decree, and continue our work to improve police community relations and uphold justice for the people of Baltimore City.
You can read the consent decree here. Portions applicable to the Civilian Review Board have been highlighted.
HB1390/SB0880: Legislation to Reform the Bail System
OCRWE supports HB1390 and SB880 to reform the bail system in Maryland. Click here to read our written testimony.
HB694/SB543 : Legislation to Ban the Box on College Applications
OCRWE supports HB694 and SB543 to ban the box on college applications. Click here to read our written testimony.
Community Events and Promotions
MTA Bus Advertisements - Summer 2016
Baltimore City Regional NACOLE Conference - October 14, 2016
Director Brown addresses the conference attendees with:
Tara Huffman, Director, Criminal & Juvenile Justice Program, OSI-Baltimore
Brian Corr, President, NACOLE & Executive Secretary, Police Review and Advisory Board, Cambridge, MA
Conference Moderator and Panelists ( From L to R) - Best practices in Strengthening Civilian Oversight: Lessons Learned During Consent Decrees and Settlement Agreements
Susan Huston, Independent Police Monitor, Office of the Independent Police Monitor, New Orleans, LA
Richard Jerome, Deputy Monitor, NYPD Stop and Frisk Case, New York, NY
Pierce Murphy, Director, Office of Police Accountability, Seattle, WA
Moderator: Delegate Antonio Hayes, 40th District, Maryland House of Delegates, Baltimore, MD
Conference Moderator and Panelists ( From L to R) - Overview of Police Accountability and the Importance of Civilian Oversight
Rob Davis, Chief Social Scientist, Police Foundation, Washington, DC
Ursula Price, Deputy Monitor, Office of the Independent Police Monitor, New Orleans, LA
Sonia Kumar, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union, Baltimore, MD
Margo Frasier, Police Monitor, Office of the Police Monitor, Austin, TX
Moderator: Tara Huffman, Director, Criminal & Juvenile Justice Program, OSI- Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
Conference attendees
Brown bag lunch with the topic of "the hiring of ex-offenders in Baltimore City" - November 16, 2016
Diamond Evening Reception- November 29, 2016
Past and Present CRC Commissioners (L to R): Victor Clark Jr., Richard Hollander, Syeetah Hampton - El, Reverend Todd Yeary, and Steve Ruckman
We were honored to have so many distinguished guests attend our reception.
Director Brown and Former Director Alvin O. Gilliard as he accepted his certificate of recognition from the Mayor for his dedicated service to the Community Relations Commission.
The sisters of former longstanding Commissioner Lillian Jones- Cuffie accept her certificate of recognition from the Mayor.
Director Brown and CRC Supervisor Susan Randall as she accepted her certificate of recognition from the Mayor for her dedicated service to the Community Relations Commission.
Jackie Caldwell addressed the crowd after accepting her certificate of recognition for being a strong ally in the fight for justice from the Mayor.
Director Brown and City Council President Bernard C. "Jack" Young.
Brown Bag lunch with the topic of "discrimination in the workplace" - December 9, 2016
OCRWE in the News
WEAA 88.9 Hip Hop Chronicles with DJ Mike Nyce - June 29, 2016